I'm not entirely sure why, but the blog has been set on not allowing me to post until now. Turns out I've been trying the wrong email address. So anyway, I'd like to piggy-back off of Scott a little bit. While reading Felski chapter 3 I started thinking about a point she raises on page 97 by saying, "There is, for example, no rich and sustaining tradition of female heroes in Western Culture....The old stories do not tell of women's action and achievement, creation and triumph. The feminine virtures are patience, submission, and selfless love." This paragraph made me think, first, about the canon and how it does definitely lack feminine heroes; then secondly, how my generation is being exposed to a slightly different truth.
I would agree with Felski on her comments as long as they remain in reference to past stories; however, I feel recent history suggests something different. Consider the examples both Felski and Scott bring up: Cinderella, Snow White, and the like. These are stories written long ago, before any of us were much more than a thought. And yes, they certainly reflect the patriarchal dominance in literature. But i can't help but think of the numerous stories (in this case movies but I feel movies still count) in my generation's life that seem to counter Felski's point. To name a few: Pan's Labryinth and Suckerpunch. In these two stories the protagonists are female characters that actively subvert the stereotypes of passivity and patience that Felski mentions. In Pan's Labryinth the girl is actively adventuring through a myriad of challenges to realize her place in life, her destiny-and it is not the traditional 'get married and live happily ever-after. In Sckerpunch the protagonist(s) are all female characters that display both masculine and feminine traits-actively subverting some traditional roles (yes, these women are taking names) while openly empowering others-namely sexuality.
So I suppose my point is similair to something I said in class last Thursday...that the literary world needs time. If one looks at the progression of literature, the emergence of non-traditional feminie presence is on the rise. Currently, we are stuck in an awkward time period where those changes are taking place. However, it would seem obvious that great strides are being taken but naturally there is an imbalance at this point. But again, time will bring about the advancement and change that Felski and others alike are striving for. But again, these are just my thoughts on the matter.
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